Megamoon is a story about two groups of especially alien teens, tweens, and their families, living on the aggressivily placid planetary-suburb of a galaxy in the midst of a space-opera-worthy intergalactic conflict.
Bobbletroxx is an 85% safe planet of cul-de-sacs and candy colored future-homes, with one large (mega) moon, paved over, hollowed out, and transformed into the premier mall and entertainment destination in the quadrant.
Jane Beanbody, Sam Zibblegibb, his little brother Gibbley, and their respective pals take life’s expected bumps and snags, made excitingly weirder by their vast and diversely populated mall-scape.
As they goof their goofs, they keep tabs on the sci-fi action and intrigue in the larger part of the galaxy by watching a docu-reality series following a crew of space heroes trying to fight the good fight. Virgil Stahr and Aurelia Ferris aren’t models of leadership, but the journey of their shipmates inspires Jane to see and do all she can beyond this isolated but amenities-adjacent world.